Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Why Do You Love Your Library?

Looking for an frugal way to show your library love?  For National Library Week we made up blank sheets labeled "Why Do You Love Your Library: Tell Us in Six Words or Less OR Draw a Picture" and handed them out to patrons and staff.  Responses were pinned to a bulletin board placed near the front entrance of the library.  I also scanned many of the responses and put the images on our Facebook page. This is a great way to engage patrons and get your staff involved too! 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wanna Collaborate?

Poster Design by Dennis Reed, Jr. 
I'm really excited about this semester's upcoming book club and activities! We are continuing our collaboration with the Women's Studies Program, which allows us to join forces in running the book club and obtaining funding for the books and author visit. When searching for meaningful ways to contribute to student learning, consider the activities already happening through campus clubs and organizations. Is there a speaker scheduled to visit? If so, could you offer to run a book club or speaker series that piggy-backs off of the topic? A little collaboration can go a long way in ensuring success!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Chalk It Up

When it comes to creating inexpensive displays, don't overlook simple chalk and bulletin boards. Our "Green Team" used an existing "chalk board" wall (try chalk board paint!) and simply added a bulletin board.  The display can be easily changed, and allows students and staff to display their artistic abilities!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Make a Zine!

Here's a really frugal activity to incorporate into your next programming event. We asked "Girl Power" book club members to submit a one page contribution towards a group publication.  Members handed in poems, essays, and art that related to topics discussed in the book.  One of the members designed the cover (which I LOVE!).  Then we simply used a copier and stapler to complete the project. The girls were so excited to share their zine with friends, and it was a great way to finish up the semester!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Where'd You Get That Bag?

If you are planning on spending a little money on marketing materials, consider something practical and stylish...such as well designed tote bags!  Our bags were a group effort, with the idea for the design (icons of services offered at the library) put together by our marketing team. We opted to purchase these from a local company versus going through a big retailer, and actually saved a lot of money on shipping & handling.  We hand the bags out at orientation events and also sell them for just $1.00 at the circulation counter.  The best part about these bags is that students REALLY use them (I've seen students carrying these at the grocery store and other local shops).        

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Who Do You Love?

I'm trying something new this year to celebrate National Poetry Month and National Library Week.  I'm asking students to contribute poems about the library to our blog!  Check out the blog posting here. I've also scheduled an "I Love Libraries" open mic for April.  I'm curious to hear what your library does to celebrate National Poetry Month and National Library Week.  Please share your ideas!

Do You Archive?

Photo sharing sites such as Picasa and Flickr are great for sharing snapshots with friends and family-- and also serve as frugal tools for archiving marketing materials. At E. H. Butler Library, we use Flickr to archive our posters and promotional materials for the Rooftop Poetry Club. Not only does this help us keep track of all of our events, but it also looks pretty darn impressive!  Check out our Flickr archive for a little design inspiration (posters by Dennis Reed, Jr.)